21. Buy a kayak and use it!
I used to kayak some when I lived in Florida. It is amazing exercise and an awesome way to get out there and experience nature. I almost bought a kayak the other day, but then realized that kayaking isn't necessarily a single person recreation activity for me. So either I need a kayak buddy or I need to convince the hubs that we should both take up kayaking. This one could be a work in progress.
22. Move out of Macon. Or at least have a plan.
Sorry folks, we will not be here forever. Macon has been good to me. Very good to me. I just don't see this as the place where I will raise a family or be for the rest of my life. Now where that place is remains a mystery.
23. Start grad school. Again.
I wrote this goal and then realized, "oh wait, I went to grad school." Yep, that didn't work out so well. 12 credit hours towards my degree and realized I hated the program. Oh well. I want to start grad school again. This time in a program I want to be in. This goes hand in hand with moving out of Macon. I tried distance learning for grad school and it just wasn't for me. So a big consideration in our far-in-the-future move is that I have access to a good graduate program. I would like to get a Masters in College Student Personnel or Student Affairs. Tennessee has a great program so who knows, maybe Knoxville?
24. Take a Tae-Kwon-Do or Karate class.
I have wanted to do this since my little brother took classes when he was like 7. I really have no deep explanation for this item. I just really want to take one!
25. Learn how to quilt or knit or something equally crafty from my mother.
Hi Mommy! You have skills, I do not. This is not a secret. Please transfer some of your crafty skills to your dunce of a daughter. Did you know my mom is making a quilt out of all my old Chi O t-shirts?! It's because she is amazing. . . and has mad skills. . . and because she loves me. Teach me your ways. (But slowly, and with lots of repetition because I am very slow at anything that is tangibly creative.)
I am not promising a new post anytime soon because obviously I cannot keep my promises. You will get another one. Eventually.
Oh, and shout out to my little brother Jay. He sets sail on Friday for the Bahamas. He will be working as a deckhand on a 60 foot sailboat running charters for the next 5 months. I am exceptionally proud of him and jealous of all the adventures he has coming his way. Please pray for his safety and that he will learn and grow because of this experience. Proud of you, buddy!